After installing Dropbox on a fresh Lubuntu 16.10, I was missing the Dropbox icon in my task bar.

From several posts, I learnt that installing the package libappindicator1 as follows should help:

sudo apt-get install libappindicator1

Alas,  the icon was still missing.

Finally, I found the a post that suggested to set the environment variable XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to Unity:

dropbox stop && env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start

After verifying that this worked, I modified the corresponding desktop entry that corresponds to Dropbox (For a full list, see Start menu -> Preferences -> Default applications for LXSession). The entry is located in ~/.config/autostart on my system. I copied the file Dropbox.desktop to Dropbox-custom.desktop and set the Exec line to the following content.

Name=Dropbox-custom # If you like - helps to distinguish this file from the one generated by Dropbox
# ...
# Was before: Exec=dropbox start -i
Exec=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start -i

Afterwards, I disabled the option Start Dropbox on system startup in the Dropbox preferences – otherwise, Dropbox would override the .desktop entry.

Credit: Thanks for idobrinescu, who proposed this fix for Elementary OS Freya.


Menge, Zutat
ca. 200ml, lauwarmes Wasser
1/2, Würfel Hefe
ca. 250g, Mehl (nach Bedarf)


  • Die Hefe im Wasser verteilen,  Mehl dazu geben, Teig kneten und Mehl hinzufügen bis der Teig trocken (nicht klebrig) wird.
  • Beim Kneten einen Esslöffel Olivenöl und eine Prise Salz hinzufügen.
  • Mit etwas Mehl bestreut gehen lassen.
  • Möglichst dünn ausrollen.

Zutaten (2 Pers.)

Menge, Zutaten
700g, ungeschälte Kartoffeln
6, Eier
, etwas Semmelbrösel
ca. 100g, geriebener Käse
300g, 1 1/2B. Saure Sahne
, Salz Pfeffer


  • Kartoffeln kochen, schälen, in Scheiben schneiden
  • 5  Eier hart kochen, in Scheiben schneiden
  • Saure Sahne mit 1 Ei verrühren und etwas salzen und pfeffern
  • in eine gefettete Auflaufform einschichten:
    1/2 der Kartoffelscheiben
    Saure Sahne Mischung
    geriebener Käse
  • ca. 30 Minuten im vorgeheizten Backofen  bei 180°C backen
  • Salat schmeckt sehr gut dazu

Zutaten (für 2 Portionen)

Menge, Zutat
400g, Kassler in Scheiben
500g, TK Blattspinat
100g, geriebener Käse
100ml, Sahne
,für die Sauce Béarnaise
1, Eigelb
1/2 EL, Zitronensaft
1/2 TL, Senf
1/2 EL, Creme Fraiche
1/2 TL, Zucker
1/2 EL, Estragon
75g, Butter/Margarine mit Butteraroma
, Salz und Pfeffer


  • Zunächst die Sauce Béarnaise herstellen (siehe hier – die Zutaten sind halbiert).
  • TK Spinat auftauen und gut ausdrücken
  • Kassler in gefettete Auflaufform geben
  • Spinat darauf verteilen
  • Sauce Béarnaise und Sahne mischen und darüber verteilen
  • mit Käse bestreuen
  • bei 200°C im vorgeheizten Ofen ca. 35 Minuten garen

Dazu schmecken prima Röstis.

Spinat-Kassler-Auflauf mit Rösti

This article describes steps for creating a bootable USB drive to install Windows Vista, 7, or 8 on Ubuntu. I only tested the procedure for Windows Vista. You first need the tool unetbootin and an ISO image of the desired version of Windows (e.g. by ripping the installation DVD):

sudo apt-get install unetbootin

Then follow these steps:

  1. Afterwards, first format the USB drive as FAT32 because unetbootin has problems with recognizing NTFS-formatted driveds in its current version.
  2. Run unetbootin. It should recognize the USB drive. Leave the program open.
  3. Format the USB drive as NTFS (with boot flat enabled) and mount it somewhere (e.g. at /mnt).
  4. Go back to unetbootin and start creating the bootable USB drive by clicking OK.

For formatting, you may use the graphical tools GParted, KDE Partition Manager (command: partitionmanager) or the command-line tool fdisk.


  • [1] Source of this solution from



When we want to check whether a host is reachable (at all), we can use the ping command:


It sends ICMP Echo Requests to the given host and reports how many packages are received and responded to. The option -c can be used to set how many requests are sent.

Checking specific endpoints

A disadvantage of ping is that we cannot configure a specific endpoint (= host + port) to ping. More advanced tools offer alternatives. The following command pings the FTP port of

nping -p 21

nping belongs to the nmap package. On Ubuntu, nmap can be installed as follows: sudo apt-get install nmap .

Another tool is  Netcat. The advantage of nc is that the error code indicates whether the endpoint was pinged successfully, making it useful for checking endpoint availability in scripts.

nc -w 1 21
echo $? # returns 0
nc -w 1 1
echo $? # returns 1

On Ubuntu, Netcat can be installed as follows: sudo apt-get install netcat .


  • [1] Nmap project site
  • [2] Netcat project site

When we encounter strange, unexplainable problems with text files, hidden characters may be reason. This article describes several possibilities to tackle line-ending and whitespace problems.

Correcting mixed line endings

If a file has mixed line endings, the standard tool flip may help you:

echo -e "unix\nmicro\r\n" > test.txt
file test.txt
#result: test.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators

A check with file reveals that the file test.txt has mixed line endings. Flip unifies the line endings to Unix (-u) or Windows (-m) standard:

flip -u test.txt
file test.txt # result: test.txt: ASCII text

flip -m test.txt
file test.txt # result: test.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

Examining files

vim can show whitespace characters, if you enable the option list. In command mode, execute the following to show whitespaces like tabs or line endings. Unfortunately, the editor does not differentiate between different types of line endings.

:set list

Use :set nolist to return to normal view. With :set ff the program identifies the line ending standard.

If you need to get a detailed picture of the whitespace characters in your document, the octal file viewer od may be helpful, it displays the file as octal values and (interpreted) ASCII characters:

echo -e "item1\titem2\titem3\r\nline2 (unix)\n" > test.txt
od -c test.txt

The results looks as follows:

000000  69  74  65  6d  31  09  69  74  65  6d  32  09  69  74  65  6d
         i   t   e   m   1  \t   i   t   e   m   2  \t   i   t   e   m
000010  33  0d  0a  6c  69  6e  65  32  20  28  75  6e  69  78  29  0a
         3  \r  \n   l   i   n   e   2       (   u   n   i   x   )  \n
000020  0a

Using cat -v text.txt, you can see bogus (non-Unix) line endings  being marked with a special symbol: ^M

item1   item2   item3^M
line2 (unix)

Log in to your MySQL server with the MySQL user that is granted all rights for the ChiliProject database (assumed here to be named chiliproject). The following line will reset the password of the user admin to admin:

update users 
where login="admin";
