Opening an Eclipse workspace via drag ‘n’ drop on Windows

By coincidence I recently found out how to open an Eclipse workspace via drag and drop on Windows.

It is actually a simple trick, but I want to share it anyway:

  1.  Create a link to the eclipse.exe that you want to use (e.g., named EclipseWorkspaceDragAndDrop on your Desktop).
  2. Open the properties of the link (e.g., via Alt+Enter).
  3. Locate the Target input field, whose content should end in eclipse.exe right now.
  4. At the very end of the input field, append -data.
  5. Open the Explorer (or suchlike), navigate to the parent directory of your workspace directory, and drag the workspace directory onto the link (e.g., EclipseWorkspaceDragAndDrop)
  6. Eclipse should startup into the selected workspace without asking you to choose one.